
Diablo 3 reforge ancient legendary
Diablo 3 reforge ancient legendary

diablo 3 reforge ancient legendary

We need to speak with the Emperor and reassess our approach. Our first attempt to defeat the Elder Brain was unsuccessful - it had transformed into a Netherbrain, and was no longer held under the Netherstones' sway. I need to speak with the Emperor and reassess my approach.

diablo 3 reforge ancient legendary

My first attempt to defeat the Elder Brain was unsuccessful - it had transformed into a Netherbrain, and was no longer held under the Netherstones' sway. In detonating it, I might yet save the city, though I would not live to see it. Should I be willing, the option of the orb is still mine to take. But it doesn’t seem that’s the case for you.I didn't manage to learn the secrets of the Netherese crown worn by the Elder Brain. Then say, ‘I didn’t get any ancients in all this reforges’. That, those people actually get ancients, but when the stats are bad, not what they were looking for, they erase it from the data pool. There is another theory I have with such a bad luck streak, not particularly talking about reforging but other stuff as well. I know it’s superstitious, pseudo nonsense crap, but it makes me feel better and I never had such a bad luck as you in this game or some other ones. What I consider those bad luck as is that, some stall in the programming code that prevents certain outcome to appear, and changing some variables in the game resets that process/interaction. Simple thing I do is to go to a mystic in Act 5, instead of 1 or 2 I normally play the game at. I’m not really a superstitious guy, but when some streak of bad luck happens (like what you’re experiencing now or when certain property simply won’t show up when enchanting), I try to change something in my environment in game. No, not saying this to insult you, just saying to switch some variables around you. You know what they say about insanity, doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.

Diablo 3 reforge ancient legendary